Africa at the intersection of Climate, Migration & Health challenges
The symposiums organised by the Africa Platform of Ghent University Association (GAPSYM) have been trendsetting in the Belgian academic landscape over the last 16 years, in the sense that they provide a unique interdisciplinary forum to showcase academic research taking place in collaboration with and conducted by African-based partners.
This 17th multidisciplinary conference of the AUGent Africa Platform will be co-organised by Ghent University’s International Thematic Network CliMigHealth, which focuses on the nexus between climate change, migration and health(care), the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), the Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR), and Stellenbosch University.
The conference hopes to showcase how scientists, policymakers, artists, writers, opinion makers and educators reflect on present-day developments related to relevant Climate-Migration-Health topics in Africa. The conference will be a platform to engage explicitly on this topic, also beyond academic research, including the organisation of writeshops, round tables and seminars related to advancements in terms of education and outreach.
Although not exclusively, we invite contributions elaborating on themes that relate to the entire climate-migration-health nexus, as well as subthemes that focus on one of these dimensions, with emphasis on Africa.