Human rights in mineral supply chains

From conflict prevention to access to remedy: Ensuring effective implementation of corporate human rights due diligence in mineral supply chains

In May 2024, the European Union adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), a binding law formulating obligations for large companies to assess, prevent, and mitigate environmental and human rights risks in their global value chains, and remediate any harm caused.  

Bringing insights from conflict prevention and remediation initiatives, the panel will discuss the challenges of the implementation of human rights due diligence by companies and the real-life impact it has on affected communities. Panelists will explore key lessons for the effective implementation of mandatory due diligence initiatives, such as the CSDDD.

The event will take place on Thursday 10th October 2024 in Brussels (in-person attendance only).


Mieke Thierens
Researcher at IPIS, focusing on business and human rights in extractives

Hilde Deman
Executive Director of Search for Common Ground’s European branch

Bart Devos
Vice President of Public Policy, Responsible Business Alliance

Moderation: Han Verleyen
Program Manager at IPIS